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Touring around the world, Carlomagno has performed in many of the most prestigious venues, theatres, and festivals. In this section, you'll find a list of some of these cool places.

Performed as a drummer with artist  Sasha Campbell

Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, July 2024

Performed as a drummer with artist Fanny Sárkozy.

Miami Beach, Florida, 2020.

1) Performed as a drummer with artists: Nanami Morikawa Quartet; Rose Max & Ramatis Moraes & the T.I.E Jazz Trio formed by Gabriel Saientz, Jaime Ousley & Carlomagno Araya. 

At V Entertaiment, Heredia, Costa Rica, 2019.

2) Performed as a conductor of the Centro Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano-CCCN Jazz Orchestra at the Gala Concert of the Festival. 

San José, Costa Rica, 2019.

2) Performed as a conductor of the Taller de Jazz UNA/Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica.

San José, Costa Rica, 2019.

Performed as a drummer with the Araya Orta Latin Jazz Quartet & artist Otello Molineaux at the 17th edition of the Festival, 2015.

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

Performed as a drummer with conductor José Serebrier and the National Symphony Orchestra of Costa Rica; Featuring pianist Shelly Berg. 

UM Maurice Gusman Concert Hall. 
Miami, Florida, USA, 2013.

Performed as a drummer with Araya Orta Latin Jazz Quartet formed by Nicky Orta, Michael Orta, Ramses Araya & Carlomagno Araya at the 14th edition of the Festival, 2012.

1) Taught as a clinician at the Festival and performed as a drummer with the East Cost Jazz Summit band.

2) Performed as a drummer with artist Eddie Gómez.

At the Luis A. Ferré Courtyard. 

Miramar, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2009.

Performed as a drummer with artist Juan Areco.

Montego Bay, Jamaica, 2007.

Performed as a drummer with artist Néstor Torres.

San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2005.

Performed as a drummer  with Néstor Torres

Detroit, Michigan, USA, 2005.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.

Federal District, Mexico, 2002.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.

Veracruz, Mexico, 2001.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.
San José, Costa Rica, 2000.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.   

Lake Geneva, Swiss, 2000.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.  

Monterey, California, 2000.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.   

París, France, 1999.

"Fiesta Festival Internazionale di Musica e Cultura Latino Americana" 1999

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.  

Rome, Italy, 1999.

Holland Roots Festival 1999

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.

Amsterdam, Holland, 1999.

XXXVII Rouergue  Internacional Folklore
Festival 1992

Performed as a percussionist with the Folkloric Ballet “Mi Linda Costa Rica” del Registro Nacional.

Rouergue, France, 1992.

XII Grande Motte Folklore Mundial Festival 1992

Performed as a percussionist with the Folkloric Ballet “Mi Linda Costa Rica” del Registro Nacional.

Grande Motte, France, 1992.

"Festival de Arte del Caribe" 1988

Performed as a percussionist with the Selection of youth symphonic bands.

Cancún, Mexico,1988.

Performed as a drummer with the band  "50 al Norte."

San José, Costa Rica, 2022 & 2023.

Performed two concerts (Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th) as a conductor of the Centro Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano-CCCN Jazz Orchestra as the top Band from the 2019 Next Generation Jazz Festival.

At the Grounds: North Coast Brewing Jazz Education Stage & Jimmy Lyons Stage.

Monterey, California, USA, September 2019.

Performed as a conductor of the Taller de Jazz UNA /Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica.

San José, Costa Rica, 2018.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist with artist Rubén Blades.

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2014.

Performed as a drummer with artist Federico Britos-Sextet. 

Lenox, Massachusetts, USA, 2011.

Performed as a drummer with the Araya Orta Latin Jazz Quartet formed by Nicky Orta, Michael Orta, Ramses Araya & Carlomagno Araya.

Tulum, Mexico, 2010.

Performed as a drummer with artist Laurence Elder.

Manila, Philippines, 2009.

JVC Jazz Fest 2005

Performed as a drummer with artist Néstor Torres.

Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 2005.

Performed as a drummer with artist Néstor Torres.

Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2005.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades; Featuring Eric Rigler y Boca Livre.

San Francisco, California, 2002.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.

At the Convention Center "Salón Teotihuacán"

 Acapulco, Mexico, 2002.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist with artist

Rubén Blades y Editus Ensemble.

Highland Park, Illinois, USA, 2001.

JVC Jazz Festival at the
Carnegie Hall 2000

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.

Manhattan, New York, 2000.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.  

Vence, France, 2000.

Salsa Festival 2000

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.  

San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2000.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.  

Bruselas, Belgium, 1999.

"Festival Veranos D La Villa" 1999

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.  

Catalunya, Madrid, Spain, 1999.

Hollywood Jazz festival 1998

Performed as a drummer with the University of Miami Concert Jazz Band featuring Dave Liebman.

Hollywood, Florida, USA, 1998.

Performed as a percussionist with the Folkloric Ballet “Mi Linda Costa Rica” del Registro Nacional.

Carcassonne, France, 1992.

 Performed as a drummer/guest artist with the Miami Dade Jazz Trio formed by Michael Orta, Nicky Orta, and John Georgini with special appareance Paquito D`Rivera and Giovanni Hidalgo.

San José, Costa Rica, 1992.

XII Pirineos International Festival 1992

Performed as a percussionist with the Folkloric Ballet “Mi Linda Costa Rica” del Registro Nacional.

Pirineos, France, 1992.

Performed as a conductor of the Centro Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano-CCCN Jazz Orchestra with guest-soloist artist Ed Calle:

Concert #1: Teatro Eugene O`neill.

Concert #2: Live at Teatro Nacional de Costa Rica. 

Produced by CCCN.

San José, Costa Rica, 2022.

Performed as a conductor of the Centro Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano-CCCN Jazz Orchestra as a participant/1st place winner, at the College Big Band Division.

Presented by 62nd Annual Monterey Jazz Festival.

Monterey, California, USA, 2019.

Performed as a drummer with artist Jon Secada-Trio.

At the UM Maurice Gusman Concert Hall. 

 Miami, Florida, USA, 2017.

Performed as a drummer with artist María Rivas.

Miami, Florida, USA, 2013.

Performed as a drummer with artist Camila Meza.  

Frutillar, Chile, 2013.

Performed as a drummer with the Araya Orta Latin Jazz Quartet

formed by Nicky Orta, Michael Orta, Ramses Araya & Carlomagno Araya.

San José, Costa Rica, 2010.

Taught and performed as a drummer as part of the faculty group of the Festival.


Xalapa, Mexico, 2008.

Festival Miami 22nd Gala Seasond by the University of Miami`s Frost School of Music 2005

Performed as a drummer with artist Antonio Adolfo.

UM Maurice Gusman Concert Hall.

Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 2005.

1) Performed as a drummer with artist Roberto Perera, 2001.

2) Performed as a drummer with artist Néstor Torres, 2004.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.

 1) At the 2001, 1st edition of the Festival at the "Estadio Olímpico de la Universidad Central de Venezuela".

2) At the 2002, 2nd edition of the festival at the "Valle del Pop".

Caracas, Venezuela.

Performed as a drummer with artist Roberto Perera.

San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2001.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.

At the Holywood Bowl.

Hollywood, California, 2000.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.  

London, England, 2000.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.    

Anvers, Belgium, 2000.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.  

At the Zelt vor den Deichtorhallen.

Hamburg, Germany, 1999.

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.  

Munich, Germany, 1999.

Holland Groonig Festival 1999

Performed as a drummer and percussionist as part of Editus Ensemble with artist Rubén Blades.

Tilburg, Holland, 1999.

"Festival Internacional de Jazz De Cancún" 1993

Performed as a drummer with Orpheus Jazz Trio. 

Cancún, Mexico, 1993.

Condomgers International Festival 1992

Performed as a percussionist with the Folkloric Ballet “Mi Linda Costa Rica” del Registro Nacional.

Condomgers, France, 1992.

"I Festival Nacional de las Artes" FIA 1993

Performed as a drummer with the Orpheus Jazz Trio.

San José, Costa Rica, 1993.

"Festival Internacional de Jazz de Nicaragua" 1997

Performed as a drummer with the Jazz Ensamble from Conservatorio de Castella.

Managua, Nicaragua, 1987.

© 2022 by Carlomagno Araya. All rights reserved.

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